Thursday, May 10, 2018

a letter from galipoli

A letter from Gallipoli
27 April 1918 Dear Neelansh
Here in Gallipoli it’s very hot and humid  and i'm in a war.
I’ve dug up my small trench underground . The trenches are made to make the soldiers comfortable while sleeping. I’m one of the snipers so every time I see an enemy move from a far distance I shoot them it’s hard to see them from a far distance .There a lot of shocks and traps in war. The war is vicious but there are only a few of soldiers left in the fight it’s very noisy during day but silent at night. The gun shots are very loud. I can hear grenades falling onto the ground making a splash of dirt as if it was water. Once an enemy soldier falls in our trench we kill them with our big knives. We were then outnumbered so we retreated and called for backup and more ships with more soldiers well that’s all I can write for now.
From your trusted friend,

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